Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tired of Electoral Fraud Allegations? Yeah, me too.

Tired of electoral fraud allegations? Yeah, me too.

For those of you who are interested, SPR has responded to the allegations of electoral fraud through a series of interviews in the papers.

Here are the links:

But of course they don't shared in social media coz:
1) SPR a bit "bodoh sombong" when it comes to social media.
2) it's not controversial enough for PR cyber troopers to attack and not favorable to PR. 
3) BN cyber troopers are not smart enough to spread it proper.

As can be read, aside from highlighting that the Bentong blackout did not happen, the rest of the rebuttals were very general in nature.

To be fair to SPR, this is in part I believe, because no one bothers to highlight specific incidents that will force them to respond in detail. Yes, people have been sharing alleged specific "incidents", but with enough research or thought put to those incidents you will find that it has been dispute or that those incidents does not make any sense.

Hence why I am very anal for PR to come up with a list of specific incidents which they consider valid. Don't just say there were bangla voters or money politics or "undi rosak terlampau banyak." Show it with examples of incidents in that area. 

Rafizi has alleged that 27 parliament seats have been identify but he has yet to list out what was wrong with each seat with examples of incidents.

He has yet to show all this "proof" he has been compiling. What is more worrying, he has been recorded to say:

"What is important is creating the momentum, awareness and disgust among the people on how various methods of cheating by BN were used to skew the results.” 

Showing again that it is more of an emotion play by PR. Its like PR is not serious  about filling the petitions within the 21 days but rather go to a "People's Tribunal" more to fulfill its need to win perception & invock emotions, truth be damned.

Just based on Rafizi's "majority is smaller then the undi rosak" criteria, I also can alleged that PAS committed election fraud in the parliament seats of Kuala Nerus, Terrengganu and Bachok, Kelantan for example.

I will be honest. This post is to vent out my frustration on all these rumours and lies that have been spread out on social media hence why I'm not trying to be diplomatic.

I'm getting tired of PR's drama of electoral fraud when no official list of allegations are forth coming (allegations mind you, I'm not even asking for them to prove electoral fraud). 

Really what is the point of the multiple rallies when even this cannot be done?! The Kelana Jaya one, DS Anwar Ibrahim wanted to show proof of election fraud, did that happen? No.

When the election fraud allegations first started to spread, my faith in BN was shaken. I demanded an accounting from SPR and probably spent way too much time on the web trying to verify the allegations. But the more I read, the more I find that major incidents spread during the election period on FB were fake, created by PR supporters who just want to sow distrust to election process eg Bentong blackout, Lembah Pantai ballot box adding, Gelang Patah failed ballot box delivery and etc.

Now you couple this with DS Anwar Ibrahim's insistence on holding multiple rallies without having a list of valid allegations till today. Add to the mix PR supporters spreading lies on FB about GST, cost of goods (roti, tong fast etc), price of oil and etc. I think even you can't blame me for not trusting PR's statements on this any longer. 

PR is slowly but surely losing its credibility on this issue and sounding more and more like sore losers. Crying electoral fraud only when it's not to their favor.

I'm a BN supporter that supports the investigation into the allegations of electoral fraud. But damn it man, lets stop all the lies and rumor sharing without verification regardless whether you are for BN or for PR. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Resolving the Electoral Fraud Allegations

I am unable to make a proper decision on the issue of electoral fraud.

As we know the four main stories circulation on FB with regard to electoral fraud are:
  1. The Bentong blackout
  2. The ballot delivery to Lembah Pantai
  3. The ballot delivery to Gelang Patah.
  4. The Phantom voter allegations
I have been trying to track down things that will give me a clearer picture. Yet if anything I am more confuse. There are stories that claim to debunk the four incidents, what’s more surprising it comes from most opposition/opposition related sources.

The following is what I have found:

1) The Bentong Black out.

The DAP candidate of N33, Bilut DUN seat, under Parliament Bentong (who won) has come out to say he was at the Bentong polling centre the whole time when the incident allegedly happened. According to him no such incident took place.

2) The ballot delivery to Lembah Pantai

A person claiming to be Nurul Izzah’s Counting Agent has stated the vote count matches their estimations correctly. Apparently no tear gas was even fired.

3) The ballot delivery to Gelang Patah.

It was explained that it was ignorance of balloting process blamed. Credit must go to the PR members who helped the ballots passed.

4) The Phantom voter allegations

So many stories of mistaken identity; of genuine Malaysian sbeing mistaken as a bangla or even beaten up. Pictures of Bangla outside buses allegedly at Gelang Patah has no indication as to where it was taken etc.
Even Pas Gombak has posted a retraction in one ofthe cases.

Again I reiterate, PR must come out with an official list of all the allegations they consider to be valid. If any of the above debunking are prove to be true, the person who first created these messages should be criminally charged and thrown in prison. What is also clear, Malaysians must start to vent through what they share and not blindly share unverified rumours. If you ever find yourself in such a position, one should lodge a police report on that post and email your candidate.

I honestly believe that there is no point of Anwar Ibrahim having a rally if they can’t come up with a proper list of the allegations PR finds valid.

I find it sad that SPR has not properly responded to the allegations of election fraud in detail and that I had to do this via conversations and searches on my own. Even sadder is that BN isn’t even properly reacting to these allegations beyond saying that PR supporters are being unfair to the process only when they lose and challenge it in court.

Regardless of how BN feels about those allegations, BN must support such enquiry in to election fraud actively because if not you risk losing supporters (myself included) and a further backlash in the next General Election.

Again I stress,fellow BN supporters, we must support calls for a proper explanation. My PR friends, again, urge and push PR to compile their full list of allegations along with whatever proof (videos, photos etc) they may have. Let’s properly move forward and resolve this issue.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Looking for a reason to vote BN? Don’t.

This is it. D-Day for the Malaysian General Election. 

Like many, this GE is my first time voting. As I sit here contemplating today, I find myself thinking that Malaysia is at a crossroads. Today we decide if we prefer BN's Transformasi or PR's Reformasi. 

Do we understand the magnitude of our decision I wonder. Do we know that this GE marks a turning point in Malaysian history? Our votes today counts regardless which side one chooses to vote for. 

It is my hope that people today will be voting not based on hate and prejudice of a particular coalition be it BN or PR. Not out of fear of riots, not due to family/friend pressure but for reasons backed up with verified, compared and analyzed facts. 

Choosing between BN and PR is not black and white. It has and always will be grey. There was never a clear “whose better than the other”. One needs to consider the whole and make an informed decision. How can one claim to have done this if one does not read the Buku Jingga & PR manifesto or the ETP & GTP roadmaps?

At this point I must confess, I have my decision. I will be voting for BN today. I am a BN supporter. Not because they are the perfect party. Not because I am afraid of change. Not because I fear riots. Not because I believe Bumiputeras will lose everything by voting PR.  Not because of any number of ridiculous reasons given by some quarters of BN supporters.

I am voting BN because of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) coordinated by PEMANDU together with the ministries and civil service.

The initiatives under the programmes are clear with detail targets, milestones and set timelines. Syndication was done with the public and experts of the field in creating the initiatives through PEMANDU’s lab methodology. To know more visit:

Some cool GTP & ETP highlights:

1)      War of the Worlds Goliath, which as recognized as the Best 3D Animated Feature Film in LA was done by a Malaysia company supported by ETP. Notice the inclusion of the character of the British Malaya Prince, Raja Iskandar.

2)      GTP introduces the Go KL free public bus service servicing the Kuala Lumpur City Centre in routes not being addressed by current bus operators (which is to the advantage of cheating taxis).

3)      Working together with Government and NGOs to end poverty of lower income groups including providing housing. Example supporting Epic Homes Project which aims to build, in three days, wooden modular houses for Orang Asli.
4)      Making KL into a world class city. Aside for the MRT, other initiatives include the greener KL ( planting 100,000 trees), making the Klang river which flows into the city pass Masjid Jamek into a commercial and heritage area (think Venive/Melaka), create and refurbishing iconic areas of the city (eg Medan Pasar’s upgrade works, refurbishment of Masjid Jamek).

These are just some of the many highlights in the ETP and GTP. All these initiatives have targets, milestones and set deadlines up to 2020. To know more read the Roadmaps and Annual Reports of the Programmes:

The GTP & ETP are miles apart from PR's Manifesto which is at best very high level and full of promises for which when seen together makes it doubtful it can be executed. For example, PR wants to:

1)      Abolish Highways Tolls
2)      Give free tertiary education
3)      Lower the price of oil
4)      Abolish taxes on cars
5)      Increase Civil Service Salaries
6)      Senior Citizen payment of RM1000 per year
7)      Award non-pensionable military veterans RM2000 a year
8)      Increase oil royalty to State governments 5% to 20%

 On top of that:

1)      Rafizi Ramli has stated PR will continue BR1M.
2)      Dato' Paduka Haji Husam Musa has been recorded offering four months bonus to civil servants once PR is in power.
These are some of the more spoken about offerings and still not the full list. While I applaud the some of the suggested initiatives, all of the above involves either spending more government revenue or decreasing government revenue.

Let me stressed that I am not a fanatical BN supporter. I am more than willing to vote for PR, in fact if not for the ETP & GTP, likely I would have turn into a PR supporter by now.

I need more from PR to grant them 5 years in power. Show me your detailed 3 feet plan. Show me what you will do, how you are going to do it and by when you will do it. Like the GTP & ETP put it in writing. Commit to it. Don't just say "Manifesto itu bukan janji."
I chose to vote BN because it has provided me with a plan for Malaysia which has committed targets, milestones and set timelines. Something I feel PR sorely lacks and in turn does not give me the confidence to vote them into power.
I believe in the GTP & ETP. I believe in Dato' Sri Idris Jala. I believe in the civil service that is driving these programmes. I believe BN is transforming. I believe PR is not yet ready to take the helm of Putrajaya.

My vote will not be given freely only on a possibility of change when the GTP & ETP exists.

Looking for a reason to vote BN?
You have it now.

Reformasi Lain Kali Lah. Transformasi, Ini Kali Lah.